The Risk of Misinformation and Disinformation in Cyber Threat Intelligence Communities

By Angelos Alevizopoulos May 27, 2024

The Risk of Misinformation and Disinformation in Cyber Threat Intelligence Communities

The ever-growing digital landscape presents organisations with a double-edged sword: vast amounts of data on cyber threats and the challenge of sifting through it all. Here’s where Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) comes in. By analysing attacker behaviour and uncovering early signs of attacks, CTI empowers organisations to proactively defend themselves. However, a significant hurdle exists: misinformation.

This misinformation comes in two forms: accidental mistakes (misinformation) and deliberate deception (disinformation). Both pose serious threats to CTI’s effectiveness, eroding trust in shared intelligence and weakening cybersecurity defences.

MISP, short for Malware Information Sharing Platform and Threat Sharing, is a cornerstone of collaborative CTI. This platform acts as a central hub where organisations can share and analyse real-time threat data. Its user-friendly interface and support for various data formats make it a popular choice for cybersecurity professionals. Ultimately, MISP fosters collaboration, enabling organisations to collectively combat emerging threats and maintain robust network security.

Cerebrate, a recent addition to the CTI ecosystem, takes threat intelligence management to a new level. This innovative tool utilizes cryptographic verification to confirm the identities of contributors on the MISP platform. This verification process ensures that participants are who they claim to be, fostering trust in the shared information. Consequently, Cerebrate facilitates the detection of false information and promotes the sharing of accurate data only. This aligns perfectly with MISP’s core principle of collaborative cyber threat defence by encouraging user honesty and reliability, leading to more effective CTI.

Combating misinformation and disinformation within CTI communities is paramount. Tools like Cerebrate play a vital role by verifying contributor identities and safeguarding the integrity of shared intelligence. This fosters trust and transparency in threat information exchange. With the aid of such tools, CTI analysts can make well-informed decisions, leading to stronger cybersecurity defences. As the cyber threat landscape constantly evolves, CTI communities must remain vigilant against false information. By embracing innovative tools like Cerebrate and nurturing a culture of collaboration and accountability, CTI practitioners can empower organisations to effectively combat the ever-present threats in cyberspace.