Project blog

Massive increase in cyber attacks in 2022

Massive increase in cyber attacks in 2022 Universities, research centers, state and military services, hospitals, communication infrastructure and banks have received numerous cyberattacks in 2022; and the worst is yet to come. It is estimated that more than 1.000 cyberattacks per organisation take place throughout the universe, which is 38% more than 2021. In Europe in particular, the average number of attacks per target reached 1.000, with an increase of 26% when compared to 2021.

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CriM -- Cyber Security Seminar and Workshops -- 2022

CriM - Engaging the next generation of cyber security professionals During November 2022 we held the Cyber Security Seminar and Workshops in Oulu, Finland. This four days event has been held since 1999 and brings together teachers, researchers, experts, and students of cybersecurity: CriM had twelve talks before lunch and three exercises in the afternoon, covering topics from incidence response to password handling. We were especially glad to hear a talk from Bart Preneel, Europe’s most pronounced cryptography expert, who reminded us at the end of his presentation to a quote from Immanuel Kant “Optimism is a moral duty”.

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Cybersecurity For Public Utilities Solutions III

Cybersecurity For Public Utilities Solutions III Failing to understand the gravity of the potential effects of a power grid attack leaves municipal utility companies unprepared to enact the necessary cybersecurity counter-measures necessary to prevent or, at least, mitigate attacks. As Miller [1], points out, local governments could benefit from the information that would lead to the early prevention of cyberattacks. Unfortunately, the information is often hidden or never revealed. Although municipalities are obliged to report attacks in a timely fashion, they often avoid reporting attacks to maintain credibility.

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Cybersecurity For Public Utilities Solutions II

Cybersecurity For Public Utilities Solutions II Cyberattacks launched on municipal utility companies are similar to attacks in any other industry. However, the potential for OT attacks and the dangers of a major service disruption has raised the stakes. Miller outlines in this article [1] the most common cybersecurity attacks that have affected municipal utility companies. Denial of Service Attacks that stop users from accessing essential networks are typically referred to as denial of service (DoS) or distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

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Cybersecurity For Public Utilities Solutions I

Cybersecurity For Public Utilities Solutions I In 2021 Jason Miller wrote an article on cybersecurity for municipal utilities stressing that cyber-attacks were increasing every year and greatly impacting a wide range of high-profile targets from governmental agencies to financial and insurance organizations, hospitals and other health facilities, and educational institutions. Of particular concern in many countries, he points out, is the situation on local levels where local governments with municipal utilities are often under-funded with poorly trained staff [1].

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Welcome CS-Connect!

Welcome CS-Connect! In CS-AWARE-NEXT, the role of our unit, CERICT-Università di Salerno, is to design, develop and evaluate, a collaboration layer for the ecosystem, aimed to support the organisations in their activities toward improved security. We are actually collecting all the requirements from the use cases and we have had very interesting discussions with the organisations in the ecosystems in Larissa and in Foggia, to find out what is actually needed to ensure adequate support to the ecosystem.

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Startups in Europe – and elsewhere

Startups in Europe – and elsewhere CS-AWARE Corporation is not only one of the partners of the CS-AWARE-NEXT Consortium, but also the main vehicle for the exploitation of all project outcomes and results. The company itself is a successful spin-out of the previous CS-AWARE Innovation Action and considered as a success story because we exhibited commitment to build a sustainable business that will help local public organisations increase their awareness and build capacities to successfully fight with cyber security threats.

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Turning the Internet into a meaningful (data) space!

Turning the Internet into a meaningful (data) space! Last week I attended the works of the 1st International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects. One may wonder what FAIR Digital Objects are – and then visit the Web page of the Fair Digital Objects Forum to learn more. Before entering the details of what FDOs are, it may be worth to spend some little time and explain what FAIR is about. More and more projects and research ‘endeavours’ and ‘ventures’ take it as a prerequisite, that all data to be collected – processed – managed – stored should be FAIR.

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A great base scenario for CS-AWARE-NEXT?

A great base scenario for CS-AWARE-NEXT? Don’t remember if have heard of this incident before, but this could actually be a great base scenario for CS-AWARE-NEXT. It is about the May 2021 ransomware attack on the Health Service Executive (HSE). At the end of the year 2021, a report was published, that had been commissioned by the Health Services Executive (“HSE”). The report counts about 100 pages – so it is not what one might regard as a convenient reading for an evening discussion.

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The hard thing about impact

The hard thing about impact It is now over 8 years that the ‘Hard Thing about Hard Things’ has become a best-selling reader on entrepreneurship. The reason that the audience liked the book may be because the author is not afraid to take for granted that mistakes happen and are an inevitable, or as I prefer to call: a ‘shadow capital’ for every enterprise and venture. Ben Horowitz, the author of the books, is apart from businessman and investor also active as blogger, devoting time and energy to communicate his ideas and also have them tested with a wider audience.

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