
New Cybersecurity Master's Program in Oulu

New Cybersecurity Master’s Program in Oulu Cybersecurity is a new study option based on the research excellence in software security at the University of Oulu. The student specialising in cybersecurity will be able to design, develop, test and evaluate systems, software or hardware for security goals in the ever evolving digital landscape​. As a whole, artificial intelligence and the development of different AI solutions play a role in all four study options.

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CS-AWARE NEXT received support from the Horizon Standardisation Booster

CS-AWARE NEXT received support from the Horizon Standardisation Booster Our project had the opportunity to receive advisory services by the that is a European Commission initiative aiming to provide expert services to European projects to help them to increase and valorise project results by contributing to the creation of new or improvement of existing standards. As presented in the final expert report, ‘the whole HSBooster consultancy process with CS-AWARE NEXT went fluently and there was great support by the team of CS-AWARE NEXT to identify a suitable standardisation strategy for their envisioned project results’.

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Enhancing your security with open-source tools

Enhancing your security with open-source tools With cybersecurity gaining increased attention in Italy, it has emerged as the top priority for digital investment among businesses in 2023. Notably, both large enterprises and SMEs recognize the significance of robust cybersecurity measures. Recent data reveals that a staggering 61% of organisations with over 250 employees have chosen to boost their cybersecurity budgets in the past year. Moreover, the Italian cybersecurity market is projected to witness remarkable growth, reaching a value of 1.

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Cybersecurity challenges in Greek companies – Study by EY Greece and Microsoft

Cybersecurity challenges in Greek companies – Study by EY Greece and Microsoft ΕΥ Greece and Microsoft have carried out a study on the challenges concerning cybersecurity in Greece. The study attempts, for the first time in the Greek market, to thoroughly analyse the current national and European legal and regulatory framework of cybersecurity. European regulations, such as NIS, NIS II and CERD, the main legal acts on cybersecurity in Greece (4577/2018, 4961/2022), their field of practice and the next steps for the compliance of the Greek companies with those, are presented in the study.

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Συμμετοχή της ΔΕΥΑΛ στην 3η συνάντηση του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος CS-AWARE-Next στην πόλη Caltagirone της Κατάνια

Συμμετοχή της ΔΕΥΑΛ στην 3η συνάντηση του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος CS-AWARE-Next στην πόλη Caltagirone της Κατάνια

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NIS2 – Key Challenges on the Horizon

NIS2 – Key Challenges on the Horizon About ten years ago the proposal of the original NIS-Directive was introduced into our lives. It was the first cybersecurity act in the EU, creating a new baseline for cybersecurity. Unfortunately the effects of the original NIS weren’t as good as initially hoped. Its objectives of increasing the level of security of network and information systems across the union were hindered by problems regarding different levels of resilience among member states, insufficient resilience of individual organisations, and ineffective oversight by government authorities.

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Cyberattack in Thessaloniki

Cyberattack in Thessaloniki Five years ago the security of the digital infrastructures of the organisations was not even an object of discussion. Most though of security as a store room with a lock on the outside, a back-up external drive, that usually remained connected on the server, and an antivirus that in most of the cases was a free one. It comes without saying that file sharing policies, back-up check in portable devices, active directory, firewall, certified connection of the users in the internet, GDPR, website access restrictions and in everything that we today consider digital security.

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Cyberattack in Thessaloniki

Cyberattack in Thessaloniki Five years ago the security of the digital infrastructures of the organisations was not even an object of discussion. Most though of security as a store room with a lock on the outside, a back-up external drive, that usually remained connected on the server, and an antivirus that in most of the cases was a free one. It comes without saying that file sharing policies, back-up check in portable devices, active directory, firewall, certified connection of the users in the internet, GDPR, website access restrictions and in everything that we today consider digital security.

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3 ερωτήσεις – 3 απαντήσεις: Our popular CS-AWARE podcast series of 3 questions – 3 answers now in other languages

3 questions – 3 answers: The first CS-AWARE-NEXT Podcast We start today with a podcast in Greek with Elisavet Goutman, Business Development and Marketing Manager of OTS in Greece. We are happy to announce the fourth podcast with Elisavet Goutman of OTS Greece. The reason we shall experiment with podcasts in national languages, namely not in English is rather simple: English can be our common working language for Deliverables, and can be ideal for reaching out researchers, but if we truly want to walk the last mile and increase the visibility of the project to a large audience in the participating countries, then the best is to create content in the different national languages.

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Users are not stupid

Users are not stupid This article from Julie Haney of NIST deals with some of the misconceptions and pitfalls that cyber security professionals fall victim to. These pitfalls reflect a tendency in the cyber security community “to focus and depend on technology to solve today’s security problems while at the same time failing to appreciate the human element: the individual and social factors affecting security adoption.” To appreciate the importance of the human element in cyber security, Haney suggests it would be best to understand the concepts of usability and usable cyber security.

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