The University of Oulu secure programming group (OUSPG) has a strong background in cybersecurity and vulnerability management, and has coordinated the original CS-AWARE project. In CS-AWARE-NEXT, UniOulu is the project coordinator/ scientific lead, in order to ensure the quality and relevance of the scientific project outputs. UniOulu leads the communication, dissemination and exploitation efforts of the project.

The CS-AWARE Corporation is responsible for implementing the socio-technical analysis tasked in WP1-WP5 (Objective 2), and the KPI monitoring framework of WP7 (Objective 6). CS-AWARE acts as the technical coordinator of the project to ensure the quality of reference implementations in WP6 (Objective 7). The CS-AWARE Corporation was founded as the main vehicle to exploit the CS-AWARE results, and will in CS- AWARE-NEXT lead the exploitation efforts of WP8 (outlined in Section 2.2.1).

UniVie has a strong background in cybersecurity management, law and regulation, and leads the definition of the cybersecurity policy management framework of WP1 (Objective 1) and leads the definition of the CS-AWARE-NEXT framework architecture in WP6 (Objective 7). Furthermore, UniVie will participate in scientific dissemination of project results.

The University of Salerno leads the definition of the local/regional cooperation/collaboration framework of WP2 (Objective 2), and provides a relevant reference implementation of the cooperative/collaborative environment in WP6 (Objective 7). UniSa will participate in scientific dissemination of project results.

InnoSec will lead the definition of the cybersecurity information and threat intelligence framework of WP5 (Objective 5) and implementation in WP6 (Objective 7). InnoSec leads a major task in the disaster recovery/business continuity framework of WP4 (Objective 4) related to AI based self-healing and its implementation in WP6 (Objective 7). InnoSec will contribute to scientific dissemination of project results.

Wise&Munro will lead a major task in the context of the local/regional cooperation/collaboration framework of WP2 (Objective 2), based on the social science/psychology and education based background on collaboration. Furthermore, Wise&Munro will lead the design-science based project monitoring, evaluation and validation WP7 (Objective 8). Wise&Munro will contribute in scientific dissemination of the project.

3rdPlace will provide the reference implementation for the AI based data quality assessment and correlation framework. The main contributions are focused in WP3 (Objective 3) and WP6 (Objective 7). 3rdPlace will contribute to the scientific dissemination of the project. 3rdPlace can provide computational infrastructure for deployment that is able to deal with the requirements of AI based data processing.

RheaSoft, as a technology partner, will provide reference implementations in the context of visualization and user interface, as well as for the KPI based monitoring framework. Furthermore, RheaSoft will contribute to the docker- based integration and deployment model. The main contributions are focused in WP6 (Objective 7).

CesViter is an exploitation partner tasked with managing the local pilot case study in Italy, and perform dissemination/exploitation activities in selected European markets based on the project results. The main contributions are related to the local/regional collaboration of WP2 (Objective 2), validation in WP7 (Objective 8), and dissemination/exploitation of WP8 in the context of the NIS and public sector organizations target group (Target group 2 listed in Section 2.2.1).

OTS is an exploitation partner tasked with managing the local pilot case study in Greece, and perform dissemination/exploitation activities in selected European markets based on the project results. The main contributions are related to the local/regional collaboration of WP2 (Objective 2), validation in WP7 (Objective 8), and dissemination/exploitation of WP8 in the context of the NIS and public sector organizations target group (Target group 2 listed in Section 2.2.1)

FocusEurope is a communication and dissemination partner for reaching the competent authorities/ regulators (Target group 3) and standardization bodies (Target group 4) listed in Section 2.2.1. The main activities are focused in the communication, dissemination and exploitation WP8, and several dedicated stakeholder outreach tasks in other content work packages.

The municipality of Larissa has been a piloting partner in the original CS-AWARE project, with the pilot CS-AWARE platform still being used by the municipality. In CS-AWARE-NEXT, Larissa participates again as a pilot partner in the context of extending the knowledge and awareness gained to collaboration on the local/regional level, with Larissa intended to be the entity that organizes and manages the cooperation and collaboration in the Larissa region. The main contributions are related to the local/regional collaboration of WP2 (Objective 2) and the evaluation and validation of the project (Objective 8), contributing to the end-user requirements analysis and validation in several additional work packages.

The Consorzio ASI Foggia is a regional industry association. The role in CS-AWARE-NEXT is intended to be the organization and management of local/regional collaboration in the Foggia region. The main contributions are related to the local/regional collaboration of WP2 (Objective 2) and the evaluation and validation of the project (Objective 8), contributing to the end-user requirements analysis and validation in several additional work packages. Originally the Consorzio was supposed to encourage the development of new industrial activity through the establishment of the necessary infrastructure and services. In addition, these consortiums oversaw the establishment of infrastructure through the appropriate regulatory plans of the cities in which they were located. While the paradigm of guided industrial development has been superseded in the South of Italy (as in other areas of Europe) and more attention is being paid now to softer factors like tourism, environment, quality agriculture, and energy. The Consortiums are beginning to transform themselves into locally based organizations dedicated to providing services to local industries and attracting external investment with the assistance of Invitalia.

The municipal water and sewerage company of Larissa is a NIS sector organisation providing a critical service to the region. The main contributions are related to the local/regional collaboration of WP2 (Objective 2) and the evaluation and validation of the project (Objective 8), contributing to the end-user requirements analysis and validation in several additional work packages.

The 5th regional health authority of Thessaly and Sterea is a regional authority managing all NIS health sector organisations in the region (e.g. the General University Hospital of Larissa, amongst others). 5DYPE manages all NIS compliance activities for all health sector organisations in the region. The main contributions in CS-AWARE-NEXT are related to the local/regional collaboration of WP2 (Objective 2) and the evaluation and validation of the project (Objective 8), contributing to the end-user requirements analysis and validation in several additional work packages.
Associated Partners

CERT-FI is a representative of a relevant national authority, with a long and successful track record to support organizations in cybersecurity, starting long before the NIS directive made such authorities mandatory. In CS-AWARE-NEXT, CERT-FI will bring the perspective of the authorities to the project, mainly with respect to evidence collection/information sharing requirements and threat intelligence related to WP5 (Objective 5), and the inclusion of the local/regional level to the multi-level European cybersecurity activities.

Fiat Powertrain Technologies is a part of the Fiat Group which includes powertrains and transmissions, Fiat Automobiles (Fiat Powertrain) Iveco (Iveco Motors) Centro Ricerche Fiat, and Elasis CASE New Holland. FPT is a brand of Iveco Group, dedicated to the design, production, and sale of powertrains for on-road and off-road vehicles, as well as marine and power generation applications. FPT Industrial offers the most complete lineup of natural gas engines on the market for industrial applications, with power that goes from 50 to 460 HP. These extensive offerings in markets worldwide and a strong focus on R&D activities make FPT an important reference concerning security issues and their potential impact.

Barilla G. E R. Fratelli S.p.A is located in Foggia and is part of the Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacting Industry (making dry pasta, dough, and flour mixes manufacturing from purchased flour). Barilla has invested a great deal in automizing its production lines in Foggia. They have also revamped quality controls and are working on diminishing the carbon footprint of their plants. Given their considerable investment in automation the management will be interested in the impact of future security needs and requirements.

Leonardo S.p.A. is an Italian firm active in Defence, aerospace, and Security areas. The Foggia plant of Leonard is part of the Aerostructure (Aviation) division of Leonardo. In recent years the Division like others in the Aviation Industry has been heavily impacted by the fall in orders, exacerbated by the recent Padamic of Covid-19. In recent months Leonardo announced plans for renewed investment in the DIvision to transform and relaunch their aviation-related activities in the Aviation Division. While plans for the future are not yet clearly defined, they are interested in following the latest security-related developments.